Supporting our Firefighters & Spirit of Corby Awards – Mid-Week Round-Up

Hey folks,

We’re trying something new this week – we’re bringing you a bit of a mid-week round-up on a couple of things going on in the area!

Firefighter Drills

You may have seen the story in the Northants Telegraph this week about our firefighters running some unique exercises in the area.

Officers from Corby Town Neighbourhood Policing Team and firefighters from Corby fire station’s Green Watch took a fire engine down residential streets in the Oakley Vale and Great Oakley areas to see if it could easily get through.

This is a really great opportunity and reminder for us to be wary of our surroundings when parking on the streets, and on corners. None of us want to think about a situation when we, or our neighbours, might need our fire service – but if we ever did we want to make their jobs as easy as possible!

Spirit of Corby Awards

In other news, a local resident is up for a Spirit of Corby award!

Chris Storey is up for the Club Spirit Award for his amazing and inspirational work with Venture Autism which he established for socialising, support and improving the wellbeing of people with autism. Over the last year this group has grown and is a place for people that are often judged for seeing things differently to come out of their shell and feel comfortable.

We are lucky enough to have chatted to Chris about working and living in Oakley Vale – you can read it here – and we think everyone should get behind him for this award.


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