Happy Friday everyone,
We’ve got a lot to talk about this week and we covered quite a lot last week too! Most importantly was a new café that has opened in Oakley Vale, just next door to our Tesco Express – with some delicious food, and drinks. Definitely give them a try! You can follow them on Twitter here.
We also touched on our growing links with Allison Homes and Barratt Homes, regarding their developments in the area. There is a show home opening soon in the area and we hope to have more information about that shortly – but it is set for Halloween weekend.
In some new news there was a great campaign launched this week that you may have seen in the newspapers. Corby Council’s neighbourhood management, culture & leisure and environmental services teams, along with the police safer communities team, are joining forces to make the borough safer, cleaner and greener next week. You can find out more about the project and how to get involved here – this is certainly something that affects local residents and is a concern to most people across the country!
Now a very exciting project is returning this weekend and that’s Corby Big Film Week! The launch event is tomorrow (Saturday) and there’ll be plenty of fantastic activities. Among other things there will be a dinosaur, a Jurassic Park Jeep and the Mayor may need to be rescued! You can follow the launch event page here.
Here’s what else is coming up in the area:
Big Film Week – All next week – Core @ Corby Cube / Savoy Cinema – The SAVOY Cinema and Core at Corby Cube will host a variety of films, workshops and interviews with celebs!
Learn CPR for FREE! – Rockingham Speedway – Mon 16th Oct. – Along with other training venues around the UK, we have teamed up with the Rescusitation Council (UK) to deliver instructions in cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR), to as many people as possible. Find out more about the event here.
Corby & Migration – Rooftop Arts Centre – 18th – 28th Oct. – A project highlighting the importance of the urban woodlands in Corby, the birds that pass through them and the fluctuating populations of species. Corby & Migration is an exhibition of 10 bird paintings and bird song and public workshops at the Rooftop Art Centre, Corby from the 18th – 28th October, 11am – 4pm, Wednesday to Saturday. Follow the event page.
Have a great weekend folks!