Be inspired this World Kindness Day!

Hello and welcome to the November edition of the Oakley Vale blog! This month not only brings us Remembrance Day, World Kindness Day and Guy Fawkes Night, but also hails the transition to winter, when days get shorter, temperatures drop cooler and trees become bare. We have lots to share with you this month so let’s get right down to it!

A Community to be Proud of

As we are sure you have heard, England and Manchester United striker, Marcus Rashford has been on target once again and is making it his mission to provide meals for children in need following the Government’s decision to stop funding the initiative.

Marcus has inspired communities and businesses across the country and we are so proud of how Corby has stood up and come together. Did you hear about The Spread Eagle in Corby? The pub will be making packed lunches for those who need them the most. They hope to offer, at a minimum, a sandwich, crisps, piece of fruit and a drink. How incredible! You can read more about the story here.

Earlier in the year, the Food4Heroes scheme was also a real success for NHS staff during the pandemic and provided thousands of warm, well needed meals. Kate Toller, from Sudborough, and Wendy de Capell Brooke, from Corby, had seen similar efforts working across the country and wanted to do the same for Kettering General Hospital.

We are pleased to announce that as a result of the campaign’s success, Food4Heroes will be developed in the coming months to support food banks! A huge thank you to everyone for coming together and making a positive change to people’s lives!

Photo Competition Extended

In this month’s blog, we can also announce that our photo competition deadline has been extended! The new deadline is now Monday 9th November and gives you one last chance at winning £50.

If you don’t already know, the theme for our latest competition is Autumn in Oakley Vale and we want to see your best, most creative photos that really capture the spirit of Autumn in Oakley Vale. Anyone can enter and you can submit your photos on the competition page here. Below are a few of the entries we have received so far!

De-stress and Worry Less

As well as World Kindness Day this month, it is also National Stress Awareness Day on the 4th November. We thought this would be the perfect time to talk about the topic, especially given the added pandemic stress we are all feeling right now.

We all know what it feels like to be stressed. But when stress is chronic or more frequent than usual, we can soon become overwhelmed. This can lead to negative mental health and leave us feeling anxious and miserable. If you are feeling like you are under too much pressure recently, whether it is through Covid-19, work or even just general uncertainty, remember to get support. You can find some really useful information from the NHS here.

If stress is affecting your life, there are even things you can try right here in Oakley Vale. A 2010 study published in Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine, found that participants who walked in a forest had lower blood pressure and levels of cortisol (a.k.a. the stress hormone) afterwards than those who strolled through a city environment. Incredibly, spending time in nature is proven to help relieve stress and anxiety, improve your mood, and boost feelings of happiness! During the COVID-19 pandemic, Corby and Oakley Vale has offered a haven of green spaces to residents to relax and unwind with a lake, trees and lots of scenic beauty. There is also a children’s play park which is surrounded by lots of greenery! So next time you are feeling stressed or anxious, why not give it ago and let us know how you get on? We would love to share some of our favourite, feel good stories from you all!

All that’s left to say is that we hope you have a great rest of the month as we make our way into November, see you soon!

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